Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Had a Hard Time Finishing

Hello, Top Ten Tuesday land! Today I am going to opt for the "freebie" TTT.  I could follow the prompt of Top Ten Authors I Would Like to See on a Reality Show. But lets be serious, you can probably guess it would be David Leviathan, Maureen Johnson, and John and Hank Green (I am grandfathering Hank in here). But I basically already watch this show via the Vlogbrothers/Crash Course via YouTube. (SEE the video below. Did you know there was a YA lit prom? Now we all do! dftba!)

So instead I am opting for the "freebie" theme and sharing a list of books I had a TON of trouble finishing. I have wanted to do this for a while, because I want to know if any of these are worth getting back to! So share your wisdom.
RippleWhy We Broke Up   Jasper Jones
  • Jasper Jones by Craig Gilvey and Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler (with beautiful illustrations by  both won Printz awards. Why can't I get into these books? Is my brain broken?
  •  Froi of the Exiles by the awesome 
  • Goosie Mama reviewed and liked Hollowland by Amanda Hocking, but I could not get into her book Switched (the first in Trylle Trilogy). I returned it to the library after 50 pages. Trolls? Mehhh....
  • AND IN AN EPIC FINALE OF A BOOK THAT DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE FINISHED: Ripple by Mandy Hubbard. I am ashamed of this. It was late, it looked alright--sirens and all--but I   couldn't bring myself to finish it. It is cring-inducing. Do you ever just give up?


  1. I have suchhhh a hard time when I can't finish a book. I have been trying to read Pegasus by Robin Mckinley for close to a year now..maybe even longer. I don't know what the problem is, I LOVED Sunshine by her and can't get past page 106 in Pegasus. Anywho my point is you are not alone sister!! I feel inadequate when I can't get through a book even if it is TERRIBLEEEE!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  2. I've been 200 pages from the end of one book that everyone keeps telling me is awesome for a month now. I need to just buckle down and finish. SURELY I'll stop being frustrated by the main character soon, right?

    Here's my TTT!

  3. I believe it on Bridges, I could barely watch the movie!


Comments? Heck ya!