FRIENDS I am not sure how I feel about Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris. To start, lets recap the 12th installment of the Sookie Stackhouse crazy-fest:
With Felipe de Castro, the Vampire King of Louisiana
(and Arkansas and Nevada), in town, it’s the worst possible time for a body to
show up in Eric Northman’s front yard—especially the body of a woman whose
blood he just drank. Now, it’s up to Sookie and Bill, the official
Area Five investigator, to solve the murder. Sookie thinks that, at least this
time, the dead girl’s fate has nothing to do with her. But she is wrong. She
has an enemy, one far more devious than she would ever suspect, who’s out to
make Sookie’s world come crashing down. (Good Reads)
- Level of Absurdity: 2 or 10 (depending on how you feel about this series). I give this a 2 since no NEW paranormal species are introduced in Deadlocked. But if you have not accepted the witch-fairy-vamp-shifter mixing, this is a 10.
- Level of Paranormal Romance: 3. Eric was not as awesome as he usually is and SHOULD be. I mean, if I like Bill more than Eric, you know there is a problem. Because Bill is 90% made of boring. CHARLAINE HARRIS DO NOT RUIN THE AWESOME THAT IS ERIC. Please realize that you have been warned.
- Level of Harry-Potterness: 2. I was not taken with Deadlocked. I was delighted by the first couple of these books. But in the end, I still love Sooks. She is strong-minded. She unwinds with a clean house, sunbathing, and doing a bit of nothing alone--I wish I had a cool old farmhouse somewhere in the woods to do this, too. But this plot really dragged. AND can Sam get a normal, good girlfriend for once?!
“And I suppose as usual, Bill will want to express his undying love that surpasses my love, as he'll tell you--and Pam will want to say something sarcastic and nearly painful, while reminding you that she loves you too."
MORE OF THIS, please.
Breaking News! Dead Ever After, the 13th book, due out in 2013, will be the last! (Vulture)
Breaking News! Dead Ever After, the 13th book, due out in 2013, will be the last! (Vulture)
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