Monday, October 14, 2013

Group Read: The Dream Theives (The Raven Cycle #2) by Maggi Stievfvater

Man o MAN- This book is just plain old excellent. Well written, plot twists, characters.
The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)

Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue, and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after...

We were VERY lucky to get an early version and Grad Student and I cannot say enough.  At one point we were text messaging photos of quotes from the pages of the book to share how much we loved what was happening.  O Gansey...


CC:  8. This story beautifully built on the world of Gansey, Cabeswater and Henrietta.   Stiefvater has created a thrilling world that is only better in this second book of the series.
GS: 8. The BARNS alone was so freaking inventive. Dream thievery is not something I want to get into as a job (scary!), but it is fascinating. And I love how Stiefvater talks about the Raven boys as a unit. And on top of it all, the descriptions of Henrietta are intoxicating. I want into this world!


CC: 2.  I don't think I ever rolled my eyes- not ONCE, which is incredible for a book about highschoolers falling in love and battling super natural forces.  It just felt real.
GS: 2. I agree. If I tried to tell someone I was reading about Welsh legends transplanted to Virginia, they might think it was absurd. But the magic feels organic and super creepy (in the best way possible) that you can absolutely believe that there is something old and powerful lurking in the mountains.

Level of Paranormal Romance:

CC: 7.  The looks and silent intentions in this book are phenomenal   As is the understanding of the power of a first kiss, but also the power of attraction and why we fall for the ones we do. Swoon worthy.
GS: 8.  So CC was surprised to hear that in addition to falling for Gansey ( I mean, I saw it coming), I really liked Ronan. There is some surprising intensity of feeling from this angsty hunk, and I like how he feels about his friends and his little brother. I am also into his tattoo, so that helps. 

Level of Harry Potterness:
CC: I loved The Raven Boys, and this love has not diminished. Dream Thieves exceeded my expectations completely.  sigh, thank goodness for good books and better sequels.
GS: 8! This writing is lyrical and so well done. You can tell Stiefvater thinks seriously about language and word patterns, and the result is just beautiful.
"Gansey threw open his door. Gripping the roof of the car, he slid himself out. Even that gesture, Ronan noted, was wild Gansey, Gansey-on-fire.Like he pulled himself from the car because ordinary climbing out was too slow.This was going to be a night."


  1. I'm in line at the public library for the audiobook of Dream Thieves. Can't wait.

  2. Man, if you LOVE reading it then you really need to listen to the audio version narrated by Will Patton. HE. IS. AMAZING. If there's one thing Stiefvater does well, it's that she makes magic REAL. This series just keeps on getting better and better!

  3. I agree, this series is great. Like you said, the setting is grounded and it feels real. Also it successfully side steps many YA cliches it could have succumbed to, deftly avoiding eye-rolling moments.

    1. I agree! It is a relief to not roll your eyes every other page :-)

  4. I loooooved this one so much! Oh man, so much. Ronan is my FAVORITE and this was all Ronan. I just... happy sigh every time I think about this book.


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