Friday, December 21, 2012

Nook Lost...Mayans Right...Nevertheless, Happy Holidays!

This post, primarily about Christmas cheer, starts with a moment of silence. I, Grad Student, have left my Nook behind on my research trip to Washington, D.C.! GASP. To quote my buddy Joesph Conrad, "The horror, the horror." To give you a sense of how I feel about this development and its relation to 12-21-12:
I imagine my Nook misses me, just
like the Brave Little Toaster.

 Boyfriend:  good morning, we are all alive! 
 me:  hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
and not to mention my nook being lost
I pouted and thought the world was over
 Boyfriend:  maybe that's what the mayans meant
this girl who really likes to read will lose her e-reader, everyone needs to mourn for her sake.

My poor little Nook is sad and lonely somewhere in a warehouse at the Smithsonian Museum's off-site facilities. Until 2013, Nook. Now on to the paperbacks.....

In other news, happy Friday! I hope everyone has time soon to pull a Santa:
    Go get cozy with a book, and happy holidays! We will be back blogging post-holiday shenanigans, Love the ladies of YAF and WS.


  1. Nooooo!!!! At least we still have printed books to salvage the day. Imagine your Nook and a desk lamp plotting a way to find you? I feel like an updated Brave Little Toaster must be made!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. DUuuuuuuuuuuude. NOOOOOOOOO... can you get it back? Can I get it for you and mail it back to you? I need an excuse to go to DC and explore the awesome museums anyway. It's so easy to just hop on the metro, but I never do!

    1. AAWWWWWW your the best! Sadly it is way out in Suitland, MD at the end of the line. They are going to mail it to me 2013-- right now I am reading nice hard cover library books, plastic covers and all!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Merry Christmas! I know your Nook is missing you, but I'm glad you'll be reunited in the New Year! I'm sure the two of you will have lots of books to read by then.

  5. Oh man. What a bummer. I love my Nook, so I know how you must feel. I just noticed your review of Monstrous Beauty. I'm on my way to read it. I have it on my shelf, but haven't had time to read it. Can't wait to see what you think of it.


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